The terms ‘integrated access’, ‘embedded access’ and ‘creative access adjustments’ are all variations on the notion that disability access can play a creative role in exhibition-making rather than an afterthought.
Artists and arts workers, this article is for you. In it, you'll read about artists like Carolyn Lazard, Leah Clements, Park McArthur, and Jessa Mockridge, who are redefining disability access by incorporating it as a creative element in their exhibitions. They view captions, image descriptions, audio transcripts, and plain text not merely as accommodations but as language-based materials to be explored, offering a new perspective on inclusive exhibition making.
Currently, disability access is often dealt with in practical terms, "box-ticking the list of basic needs that a public space should cover: ramps, accessible toilets, lifts," but in 2024, this should be the default in the spaces where art is happening. The next phase of disability access, as discussed in this article, has the potential for so much creativity and play.

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