Creative Connector member claude wittmann and the dispossessed disabled artists demanding housing (DDADH) team has been working on a map project since 2021 and they're currently looking for story submissions surrounding our housing crisis.
Who is this for?
Toronto-based artists who identify as/are invisibly disabled, episodically disabled, neurodiverse, neuroatypical, living with a DSM/ICD diagnosis, with mental illness,, or identifying equivalently.
What can folks submit?
Short texts, images, or sound recordings that portray housing insecurity/crises
How can people contribute?
Please go to and press on the yellow +crisis link (it should appear on the homepage, in a pop-up bubble) or send an email with a text, image, or sound recording to
Is there compensation?
From the dispossessed disabled artists demanding housing (DDADH) team: "We are aware that sharing housing insecurity can be transformative, but it is also a revisiting of trauma. in all cases, it is work. if you would like to be compensated for your contribution, please feel encouraged to send us an email."
Deadline to submit?
Saturday, March 9th.
To explore the map, check out the site:
Thank you for being here. 💚
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