Today's read:
The team at Tangled Art + Disability has brought together a collection of essays and interviews from staff, artists, and community members: Kayla Besse, Yolanda Bonnell, Eliza Chandler, Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Birdie Gerhl, Jack Hawk, Sean Lee, Kristina McMullin, L Morris, Carmen Papalia, Heidi Persaud, Cyn Rozeboom, Gloria C. Swain, and Francis Tomkins.
Access Anthology is an art catalogue that centers embodied knowledge of disability from an artistic, curatorial, and organizational methodology.
The anthology includes an introduction from Tangled Art + Disability to The Care Clause, a radical rethinking of management and workplace practices that puts employee needs before the needs of the organization.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, Tangled Art + Disability began to include a Care Clause in our personnel contracts. On the surface, it’s a simple idea: a statement that our organization values the health of the people working for it more than the things they do or create. Yet, despite its simplicity, it presents a radical challenge to the traditional idea of management.
You can download a screen reader-friendly PDF of Access Anthology here.

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