You are an executive director, board member, volunteer, artist/filmmaker, cultural worker working in the film and media sector and you want to be better at building access!
The problem
As a disability arts service organization, we know how overwhelming it can be implement access at your organization but we also know how rewarding and inspiring it can be if it’s done with a creative and collaborative mindset!
As we recover and rebuild from a never ending pandemic, this workbook is designed to get you thinking about change and to go from thinking about access as a chore to thinking about access as an opportunity.
How it works
This interactive workbook will guide you through a journey to learn about the 3 different kinds of mindsets that might be getting in your way.

The Film Festival Guide to Access: A workbook for putting industry standards into action.
It also offers creative solutions and exercises to motivate you and your team to build a culture of access and inspire others to do the same.
An enormous thank you to our partners Inside Out Film Festival and the team of industry experts and disability activists who helped to shape this vital resource!
Available in two formats

The Film Festival Guide to Access (Hard copy)
Limited Riso-printed editions hot off the press!

The Film Festival Guide to Access (Digital and screen reader PDF)
A lot of sweat and tears went into making this resource! Your contribution will help us deliver more programs and services to artists with disabilities.