Every year, I'm surprised at how early people get going on the holiday swag. It seems it gets earlier and earlier.
My neighbors were dressing the front of their house with Christmas lights only a few days into November meanwhile, next door, I was on a mission to keep the pumpkin I carved for Halloween on our doorstep from rotting.
But December is here now and I'm starting to ease into the next phase of festivities - wondering what stocking stuffer I should get for my mother-in-law.
If you're thinking this weekend about gifts for friends and family and would like to support creatives with disabilities, I wanted to share some of these great resources on where you might find fun gift ideas.
If you're in Toronto this weekend, be sure to check out the Disability Holiday Market!

Emily Ladau's 2023 gift guide on where to find and support disabled creators and businesses.

Kevin Gotkin shared his special holiday gift guide he co-created with Louise Hickman last year.

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